Legal Information

All rights reserved.

DJ Theater - video & motion picture with other content (back ground music)

must permitting by Discovery JESUS




Name of company

Discovery JESUS 


Related office



Contact details

We are non denomination.

Any ethnic, Any nations can watch our site and follow

our Lord JESUS, but you need permit when you want 

to use our site theater(video) motion picture and other content  picture with background music.

 please ask and permit  us;           


 Any question or help 

      e-mail :


  Donation and Send by  Mail to us

   4001 Wilshile Blvd, #F219, LA, CA 90010, USA


  Contact minister

   Head minister : Kyung A. Hong


Contact  telephone number

   USA : 1-323-577-3076

   Out of the country : country code +1-323-577-3076


  Website information about discovery JESUS

  minister Ellin Kim



 Related our Company

CDC in USA - 미주 지역개발원

 URL :

IPIMC - 국제 중보기도 사역원

Intercessory Prayer International Ministry Center

 URL :

IP PRESS - Online Printing Store

 URL :

Our Mission for 3rd world country

 G Mission 









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