Journey with JESUS

Our life is limit. God gave our life to know about JESUS while we are living in this earth.




More Love your life and neighborhood

JESUS said

 "A new commandment I give to you,

that you love one another; As I have loved you, that you also love one another.

                                                  -John 13:34-

DJ Retreat

Refresh your soul!

Autum season, we will meet together

at a beautiful place.

Learn about JESUS and prayer together, with beautiful sermon and food,etc...

early register for DJ Refresh  retreat center

Intercessory Prayer Movement for city

We will cooperation with IPIMC (Intercessory Prayer International Ministry Center) for Intercessory Prayer Movement for city.

Wide Prayer Movement

  40days  prayer 

Purpose for prayer that remove idols from the city and intercessory prayer for spiritual revival. of city. Every church can join this prayer movement 40 days then your church will grow up and  will see change the city. more information; go to for korean and English ask to email for more information;      send email to :

 Help sisters & brothers
 & Share  Information

 We will help who has rock bottem    situation and prayer for brothers & sisters.

Also, go to ; or go to help resource center in CDC; type  internet address: click below link


Dj-Theater brings your life change

through word of God and every session has spiritual source and refresh your mind and soul through word of God.

You can find our DJ-theater in Ytube section in google. our chanel name
Discovery JESUS@discoveryjesus4446

Watch this video : Nicodemus with JESUS / by Korean word

Serve the Lord JESUS

Worship & Praising JESUS with your family all together.

 You can start with this presentation;

IPIMC website:  

  introduce about how you can start

   worship at home with family.

 South & North Korean -go to ;

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